Farm Fresh

Can you beat agriculture, animals and the great outdoors? We don't think so, and the good news: We have plenty of all that in Hendricks County.

Many of our local events take place at our top outdoor attractions. If you have extra time, be sure to explore one of our popular festivals. 

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Farm Fun

You don't have to visit in July when the fair is going on to experience all the wonders of a farm. We have a huge apple orchard with countless fun activities open year round and other farm-fresh attractions only open in the fall.

A Day with Animals

Perhaps you prefer farm animals during your trip. We have attractions showcasing alpacas, horses, pigs and so much more.

Farm to Table

No farm fresh experience would be complete without sitting down for a spell and enjoying some good eats at these favorites. Some of our top restaurants even try to source their foods locally when possible.