Upload Photos and Videos to VHC

Your business is what makes Hendricks County so great, and we want to feature you more often on our website, social platforms and print pieces.

There are a few simple steps you can take if you are interested in being featured more prominently in our marketing efforts:

  1. When posting on social, tag your images with #inHendricks so we can find them easily
  2. Contact us to let us know you are comfortable with us resharing any of your social media content on our channels (with credit to you, of course!)
  3. Send images you would like to share to Marketing@VisitHendricksCounty.com

Please Note: By sharing content with Visit Hendricks County, you agree that you have all the necessary rights and permissions to do so. 

Contact Us

Ali Adams
Digital Content Coordinator
Phone: 317-718-8750 ext. 111