How to Help

Community spirit is alive and well in Hendricks County. We've even adopted the mantra All In, Hendricks County, and it truly is happening! 

A roundup of some of the outreach efforts out there follows. Please, do what you can to help.

Hogan Farms

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Blood Donation

To help with the current blood shortage, Hendricks County is hosting multiple blood drives.

Hendricks Regional Health YMCA

Hendricks Regional Health YMCA is offering a blood drive twice a week in Avon on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Town of Plainfield

There will also be a mobile blood drive at the Plainfield Hendricks Regional Health on the first and third Friday of each month. 

Hendricks County Community Foundation 

The Hendricks County Community Foundation is offering a variety of options to donate to a charitable cause. 

Hendricks County Medical Reserve Corps

Looking for a way to volunteer and help your community? The Hendricks County Medical Reserve Corps is helping to coordinate volunteers to assist with a variety to tasks to help residents such as delivering supplies to homes. You can register on their website.

Did We Miss Something?

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