Have you ever noticed that food is just more fun when you get to interact with it? I know every once in a while, making pizzas at home or having a taco or potato bar is a great way to get everyone involved, whether in preparation or just creating their own custom plate.
The kids even tend to try new things when they’ve planted and grown food in a garden or helped slice the veggies before dinner. Hendricks County offers a few locations that allow individuals, couples and families to enjoy time together while having fun with food.
Sweet Minis 
Sweet Minis Cakes and Bakes in Brownsburg offers mini desserts in all of our favorite flavors: chocolate peanut butter, red velvet, carrot cake and strawberry to name a few. They also offer a variety of classes for kids, teens and adults as well as birthday party packages.
You can sign up for a series of classes or one particular class and learn how to bake cookies, cakes, donuts and many other delicious treats.
To get super interactive, try an evening of cake or cupcake decorating and enjoy what you’ve created with friends and family.
Sweet Minis is located at 824 E. Main St., Brownsburg, and you can register for classes here.
Schakolad Chocolate Factory 
Who would turn down a chocolate-infused afternoon or evening with friends?
Schakolad in Plainfield makes all their chocolates fresh and in-house. Visit any day of the week to enjoy an assortment of buckeyes, chocolate-covered pretzels and strawberries or truffles. In addition to all their sweet snacks the gourmet chocolate shop offers tastings, classes and birthday parties, too.
Participants can sample milk, dark and white chocolate, mold chocolate themed lollipops and learn about the history of chocolate.
Currently, tours are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays, but the chocolate experts anticipate offering additional dates throughout the week this fall.
Schedule an event by calling (317) 838-0830. Schakolad is located inside The Shops at Perry Crossing at 351 Marketplace Mile, Suite 160, Plainfield.
Beasley’s Orchard 
While Beasley’s is one of the go-to locations for fall fun in Hendricks County throughout the year, visitors can enjoy the u-pick season half the year, beginning with strawberries in late May. In June and July, they have raspberries. And of course, they have what they built their business around, their amazing apples, in September and October as well as pumpkins in October.
Like I said earlier, just the process of going out to the field and picking your own fresh produce is not only educational but a lot of fun. Simply pick what you need and pay for your supply on the way out the door.
After spending the afternoon gathering your tasty snack, you could even head home and make strawberry shortcake, a raspberry smoothie or an apple pie.
Insider Tip: Be sure to follow Beasley’s on Facebook and Instagram before heading out to the farm. Growing seasons are unpredictable and sometimes, u-pick events are delayed to allow for more fruit to ripen or for weather-related issues.