It’s official: Sweet Minis Cakes & Bakes has completed their renovations and celebrated the grand re-opening of the Brownsburg shop which means you and I can stop by for those delicious mini desserts in the display case or place a custom order.

Fans and new visitors will be excited to know that Chef Casey Ward is continuing to offer her mini cheesecakes, ‘minitinis’, macaroons and cupcakes to name a few, in addition to some fun new classes and opportunities coming our way.

Boutique Bakery Photo Courtesy of Sweet Minis

Sweet Minis officially opened in the fall 2022. Located next to The Breakfast Co., they shared a space with charcuterie boutique, Brie and Bartlett. Earlier this summer everything changed for the two businesses as Brie and Bartlett moved to a new location, leaving Sweet Minis the opportunity to recreate the space, making room for more classes, baking and fun.

The larger space allows for a new retail wall, featuring local artisan products and ventures and, like Ward has always enjoyed, a new space for classes and teaching new techniques to her customers.

The larger kitchen space gives Ward more room to make our favorite sweets in strawberry, birthday cake, lemon, pecan spice and seasonal flavors like German Chocolate cake. In addition to offering gluten-free and dairy-free products, Ward also makes full-sized desserts for those that place custom, call-ahead orders.

Hogan Farms corn maze

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Learn How to BakeSweet Mini's Cakes and Bakes

My daughter participated in one of Ward’s introductory classes for cookies and loved every minute of it.

The small group learned how to bake from scratch, measuring, mixing and decorating. With fun music playing in the background, the delicious smells coming from the oven and Chef Casey’s instruction and incredible patience, it left my daughter feeling like she was a master in the kitchen.

Sweet Minis offers classes for youth through adult, from drop-in courses to a four-week class that covers brownies, cookies, biscuits and cupcakes. There are also options for one-on-one courses, teaching students how to make butter cream icing, bake, frost and decorate their own mini cake. She even hosts birthday and private parties for up to 25, so guests can decorate their own cake or brownie to take home.

In 2024, Sweet Minis will continue to grow course options, including DIY opportunities for ladies’ night, couples’ night and other groups to learn more about cake decorating. The youth and teen courses will expand as well, including pizza, muffins and donuts. Look for monthly tea classes and more!

Chef Casey’s Story Photo Courtesy of Sweet Minis

Ward was a human resource consultant for more than two decades and taught small businesses about best practices, infrastructure and retaining employees.

When the pandemic changed everything, Ward worked from home and missed the social interaction of working with others. She began to stress bake and enrolled in culinary school at Ivy Tech.

In the meantime, Ward was working on losing weight. She lost a total of 75 pounds and cut sugar completely out of her diet. When she began working sugar back into her diet, Ward realized the mini-sized desserts were perfect.

At Sweet Mini’s we can enjoy our favorite cake, pudding or macaroon in a mini version in a whimsical and fun way without the guilt.

Sweet Minis Cakes and Bakes